Saturday, February 12, 2011

December 2010, Part 2, Christmas

We had such a fun Christmas season this year. Jackson and Addi understand more and more each year. The season started off with Jackson and Addi spending the night at Grandma Patti's early in December to help decorate her Christmas tree. This has been a yearly tradition with Jackson and this was Addi's first year. They both had so much fun and Grandma always goes the extra mile. Both of the kids came home with new Christmas pillow cases on their pillows that she had made and they both were so sad to see the sleepover end. Brad and I both traveled this month, me for fun and Brad for work, so the month went by too fast. We live in such a great and fun neighborhood and ward. We were constantly receiving treats and gifts from friends and enjoyed giving out my Great Grandma Rowley's chili sauce. On Christmas Eve we had a fun night, full of anticipation and excitement at Grandma Patti and Pappa Joe's with Aunt Jenni and Uncle Justin. We came home and once again Santa's elves had dropped off new pajamas for everyone including mom and dad this year. They also left a magic Santa key to hang on the front door Christmas Eve to let Santa in since Jackson was so concerned this year about how Santa gets in since we do not have a fireplace. The kids woke up around 7:00 Christmas morning and surprisingly followed instructions to "come and get mom and dad up before going in the front room". Addi was not feeling well that morning and did not want to do anything. When we got out into the front room she fell to the floor and fell back asleep. The kids were so excited and had tons of fun opening their gifts as did mom and dad. We had our family tradition of Hot Roll Pull Aparts for breakfast and let the kids enjoy the afternoon with their toys and a visit from Uncle Greg. Later that evening we went to Grandma Donna's and Pappa Kirk's house for Christmas dinner, exchange gifts with cousins and siblings, talk to Uncle Paul, and enjoyed a great game of spoons. Just as every Christmas Day Night, I came home, sat down, and stared at the tree and felt sad. I LOVE the Christmas season and as the day came to an end I was sad that all the excitement, happiness, giving, and focusing on our Savior's birth was done for another year and wondered if I did all I could have in the past days to embrace the kids and such fun moments in our lives. And just like every other year I promise myself that next year will be just as great, if not better. :)

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